Wolfgang Oehme is my father, so I am honored to help spread information about his new book. So please read on.
Announcing the new book: Between Garden Grasses: Wolfgang Oehme and his
Green Harmony Living feels privileged to be the exclusive
The books 144 pages are packed with 225 impressive photos of people, dreamlike gardens, drawings, Wolfi plants, and much more. The books' many photos make this book a worthy show book for your coffee table, even if the German language is not in your lexicon.
You may order this book and learn much more about Wolfgang Oehme at his official website www.WolfgangOehme.com.
Wolfgang will personally autograph your copy if you wish, and shipping is free!!!
Wolfgang Oehme Foundation:
Each purchase of this book supports the Wolfgang Oehme Foundation. This foundation is committed 1) to supporting the maintenance of the numerous public gardens in Towson designed by Wolfgang, 2) to educating the public on Wolfgang’s style of bold, natural, and sustainable garden design, maintenance, and horticulture, and 3) to establishing a large public garden, like Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania, that will physically convey Wolfgang Oehme’s unique vision of bold, natural, and sustainable garden design, maintenance, and horticulture.